Farruh Yusupov Blog

My Top 50 Films Of All Times

2 January 2014, 8:26:21

My Top 50 Films Of All Times.

Publication Author: Farruh Yusupov.

Creating the list of the best films of all times by my version i was lead by several principles...

Posted at: 10/16/2014 00:18

Tags: cinematography, film, movies, filming, film industry, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

An Invincible Fighter

13:00 31.03.2012

Songlyrics Author: Farruh Yusupov.


I`m waiting for the fight
But to the ring i`m facing
With several grapplers in
Hoods who`re surrounding and
Glazing me p...

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:40

Tags: gospel, pop lyrics, philosophical lyrics, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

The Dark Side Of Modern Cinematography

Publication Author: Farruh Yusupov.

My regards, dear readers, today i`ve faced news in which were proclaimed the bankruptcy of Detroit State Administration (http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/...

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:38

Tags: film, movies, modern cinematography, filming, film industry, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

My Veracious Friend


2006 20:27 28.03.2012

Songlyrics Author: Farruh Yusupov.



Life contains of felicity and misfortune.

At times i loose the credence of truth to God.

I`m ofte...

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:37

Tags: Jesus Christ, gospel, pop lyrics, philophical lyrics, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

God Is The Nearest For Me


2006 20:50 28.03.2012

Songlyrics Author: Farruh Yusupov.


I sometimes approach

Down the roads of problems,

Deep to the destroying troubles.

There is no breath f...

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:32

Tags: God, gospel, pop lyrics, philosophical lyrics, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

That Day


2009 November 

Songlyrics Author: Farruh Yusupov.


I can`t hide my feelings,

Which i`ve felt that day

In front of my way was danger

Framing with sharp teeth

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:31

Tags: gospel, christian lyrics, philosophical lyrics, pop, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

American Beauty Is Actual Western`s Lifestyle

Review Author: Farruh Yusupov.

I`ve long wanted to write reviews about several films and i`m grateful to “Talent Pages” which gives an opportunity not only contact with employers fo...

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:29

Tags: film review, screenwriting, cinematography, filming, film industry, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

Life Is Showbusiness, We`re Showbusinessmen

Publication Author: Farruh Yusupov.

            In the current post i`ve being aimed to observe the modern situation in cinematography and show business.  

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:28

Tags: showbiz, showbusiness, marketing, promotion, podcasting, broadcasting, acting, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

Volatility Of 12 Men`s Lives

Review Author: Farruh Yusupov.

My regards, dear readers, i`ve used the word “Volatility” as title because life of every man seems as road, time or distance with changing that someti...

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:26

Tags: 12, twelve, film review, movie, screenwriting, modern cinematography, film industry, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

Nobody Can`t Fight The Mind

Review Author: Farruh Yusupov.  
         In reality we are live in time of delirium of some people which float out in films, music video, book and other arts and its pity th...

Posted at: 07/23/2014 02:23

Tags: Once, film industry, cinematorgraphy, film review, screenwriting, movie, farruh yusupov, фаррух юсупов

Haqiqatli Baxt


20:34 16.03.2012



Hudoyim qaeyda adolat

Qayeda haqiqatli baxtli hayot

Nega meni odamlar tushumaydilar

Menda ham uldardek kuzlarim bor

Men ham bu kuzlar...

Posted at: 07/08/2013 22:35

Tags: uzbek lyrics, philosophical lyrics, songwriting

Yangi Sevgi



Avalda sevgi osmonga ko`triladi

Muhabbat issiq kunlarda

Sovuq shamoldek

Muhabbat yorqin nurdek og`ir

Paytlarida yoruqlaydi


Baht faqat sevgida ema...

Posted at: 07/08/2013 22:34

Tags: uzbek lyrics, love lyrics, songwriting

My Team


2006 21:11 28.03.2012

Some days we need
Faith of our mates,
But if rate them
By stage of honesty
Some of them is nothing.

If all of my mates leave me
May God never...

Posted at: 07/08/2013 05:05

Tags: gospel lyrics, christian lyrics, songwriting

Real Happiness



When i`m thinking

About my real happiness

I think of You, God.

You came to my life

When i hadn`t know You.


Chorus 3 times.

My joy, my joy, my joy....

Posted at: 07/08/2013 05:03

Tags: gospel lyrics, christian lyrics, songwriting

Simple Life


22:19 28.03.2012



Everybody seldom thinks, his

Life is absolutely broken,

He doesn`t want to live. even

more he hasn`t sense to open

His hopeless eyes ...

Posted at: 07/08/2013 05:01

Tags: philosophical lyrics, life lyrics, gospel, songwriting, christian lyrics

Pul Haqida


2009 10:40 04.04.2012.


Pul sohibiga katta eshiklarni ochadi.

Na faqat bilim uyiga va boshqaruv.

Pul ish bilan taminladi, va hurzuli lahzalar

 Keltiradi, sevgini...

Posted at: 07/08/2013 04:59

Tags: uzbek lyrics, philosophical lyrics, life lyrics, songwriting



2008 august.


Barcha kishliar og`ir kunlarni ko`radi.

Sen o`ylasanki yagona o`zingsan.

Lekin odamlar aytadiki barcha

Baxtsizlik hayotdan o`tib ketadi.



Posted at: 07/08/2013 04:58

Tags: uzbek lyrics, philosophical song, songwriting, life song



Hullas har bir ajoyib insoni

Kerakli sifatlari uztozlardan.

Shogird uztoz bilan har qadam

Yuradi uzinin hayotida va

Bebaho bilim bilan tajribasi

Ulardan izsiz emas qola...

Posted at: 07/08/2013 04:56

Tags: uzbek lyric, philosophical song, song writing



12:18 13.04.2012



Men sen bilan tinch va hotirjam.

Chunki sening sevging qalbimda .                    ...

Posted at: 07/08/2013 04:55

Tags: gospel translation, uzbek lyric, songwriting, christian song



September 2008


Nega yahshi odamlar o`tib ketadilar.

Nega kassaliklar bizni hujum qiladilar.

Nega musafo hayotimiz bulutlar yopiladi.

Nega umrimiz juda ham kalta.

Posted at: 07/08/2013 04:54

Tags: uzbek lyrics, philosophical song, songwriting