User's Blogs

<p> I don't know if you know but my early years were spent watching films that were really too mature for me and usually with the sound down so my step-father could listen to his FM stereo on high volume. I got quite good at lip-reading. It's a skill but it fades without practice. </p> <p> One of the films that I got to watch, several times and with the sound on audible, if not full, volume was <em>Moll Flanders. </em>This film was written and directed by Pen Densham. I met Pen, entirely by accident, at a conference in LA. I'm not a funky LA starlet or even a particularly ambitious Perth actor who made the trek to LA to meet with casting directors or audition for the pilot season. I did do an hour's acting coaching with Stan Kirsch (Ricky from Highlander) which was great, but mostly I was there for a holiday and a few promotional gigs with my boyfriend for his newly released Master Shots eBooks. I just happened to feature in the enhanced video illustrations. </p> <p> So I was at the Story conference at the Michael Wiese stall, having a breather in between floods of potential Master Shots customers when I started chatting to the author of Riding the Alligator. Pen, as he introduced himself, was friendly and effusive about his passion for story and the professional creative lifestyle but quietly spoken. And very tall. That's not relevant, sure, but as a short-assed pixie, it will be my lasting impression of the 'Englishman by birth, Canadian by choice, American by circumstance.'</p> <p> A few weeks later I opened his book and by the time I got through the introduction, I was squealing, "Chris! Pen wrote and directed Moll Flanders! MOLL FLANDERS!" He smiled and nodded. This was clearly a big deal to me. To be honest, I probably shouldn't have been that starstruck (as delayed as it was) because Chris is the best selling author of Master Shots and is quite the celebrity himself. And I loved his films Pilotage and The Sculptor's Ritual. But this was the writer and director of MOLL bloody FLANDERS! I couldn't help but be all impressed and affected. </p> <p> And it's because Robin Wright's portrayal of Moll that I wanted to be an orphan, nun, charity worker, prostitute, live model, mother, shipwreck survivor and milionaire!  (Sorry about the spoilers! But at least the first time you watch it you get to have the sound up.) That's awesome team work. Pen and Robin Wright created my most cherished character (until Lay-Lu in The Fifth Element, but Moll wasn't usurped, just accompanied)!</p> <p> So of course, I had to email Pen. And unexpectedly he answered. He is such a humble and genuine man, it is such a pleasure to know him and I really do encourage you to become familiar with his work because he is so passionate and talented. He is also a fantastic motivator and encourager and in that strain I invite you to read his blog contribution, which also links to his other contributions on creativity and success! </p> <p></p> <p> Love, </p> <p> MK</p> <p> *Pen as in writing and Pen as in Pen Densham! Get it? </p>

Posted at: 10/06/2013 08:33

Tags: How I met my Pen pal Pen Densham Riding the Alligator Christopher Kenworthy Master Shots screenwriter actor Stan Kirsch Ricky Highlander LA story conference Moll Flanders Robin Wright Morgan Freeman

<p> <a href="">Read Our Most Recent Interview!</a></p> <p> In 2012 my partner and I started a blog about creativity and how sometimes it can cause an artist to suffer. You know the times, you didn't get that audition, or you're beating yourself up for not learning those lines properly or on time, or neither. Or that time the director told you how to perform but you just felt so uninspired and you didn't know what the director could possibly mean! And we all know the times after we've finished a gig and we sit back and think, "Right, that's the end of that, then. As soon as anyone sees that work of mine, I'll never get hired again!"</p> <p> Well, all artists hit that wall. Legend, Pen Densham, wrote a book called Riding the Alligator. You should buy it, it's inspired. As he described, it's the kind of book he would have wanted to read when he was starting out. So trust me when I say it's a book you'll want to read! Anyway, the point is that Pen hit a bajillion walls but what made him a successful writer, director and filmmaker is that he didn't give up! He was rejected probably more times than you and me combined, but he kept on going. </p> <p> And that's the message that the artists that have contributed to our blog want to get across. </p> <p> To be honest, the blog itself started as a forum to promote the film we were trying to get funding for: Catching Sight. The story of a little girl who catches a disease that gives her great talent but also makes her miserable. </p> <p> The film didn't get made... at the time. However, there's some discussion about it being resurrected as a more personal and refined project. Remember what I said about not giving up. </p> <p> So, visit my <a href="">blog</a> and read the interviews with the amazing men and women that have contributed so far. You can contribute if you want. Just send me your email and I'll send you a new interview and let you know what else you might need for your spot in our blog!</p> <p> Whether you're an actor, dancer, filmmaker, writer, director, artist, graphic designer or photographer, there is a side of this discussion that will interest you. If there's not, let me know and we'll interview YOU!</p> <p> Peace. </p> <p> Molly </p>

Posted at: 09/20/2013 09:12

Tags: creativity talent or happiness Catching Sight Film Blog Molly Kerr Christopher Kenworthy Jeff Watkins Pen Densham suffering intelligence stress actor writer photographer dancer director