User's Blogs

Tried to play "Layla" by Eric Clapton on the guitar, but couldn't get past the first part. Oh, well. Sometimes, you hear it in your head, but it doesn't always go to the hands. It's ok. Such positive energy it's almost frightening.

Posted at: 04/21/2017 17:20

Tags: positive endavors. accomplishing victor greywolf

All right. Tried a brief bit of "Scars to your beautiful" by Alessia Cara on me mini drum set. I think me confidence in music is getting up, but have quite a ways to go before I get ready for open mic with music. Comedy is another story. But I don't perform live outside of concerts I video tape myself doing. Have a great 2017 and beyond.

Posted at: 04/21/2017 13:58

Tags: positive endavors. accomplishing victor greywolf

All right. Recorded another pod cast episode, went to sam ash, jammed on the drums, and worked out. I feel more confident now. I might go to open mic again in the very near future.

Posted at: 04/21/2017 13:46

Tags: positive endavors. accomplishing victor greywolf